You have found the current
web site of The Happy Hackers.
If you find something which is not working as you expect please send Jayvee
an email. Meanwhile I hope you
find whatever it is you are looking for and, if you are interested, joining
The Hackers could change your golfing experiences.
The Happy Hackers is a social group of serious golfers formed in 1992.
A group of us will tour together and play competition amongst ourselves at different courses sometimes over a few days.
On the longer tours, male bonding has been part of the fun but golf is always the focus and new faces are not only welcome but keenly sought.
Most of our regular 'Hackers' do not have wives/partners who play golf, so on
a few occasions in the past lady golfers have joined us. However ladies are always welcome and participate on equal terms.
The main method of communication, apart from this web site, is by email (see contact page).
If you are interested in joining us, or getting on the mailing list, you simply need to say so.