When not playing in a club competition, 'Hackers Rules' apply i.e. 15cms preferred lie on the fairway of the hole in play only. Otherwise, every golf course is played according to the rules of golf and local rules of the course in play.

HANDICAPPING -- A GA handicap and GolfLink number is preferred and, when known, shall be used in all 'Hackers' events. However, if a GA handicap is held by a player who is NOT a member of a golf course (e.g. a member of a 'social club') the Committee reserves the right to decide a daily handicap for that player at the sole discretion of the committee. 

In every case the maximum GA handicap for any 'Hackers' event shall be 36 for men and 45 for ladies. If no GA handicap is held, the daily handicap shall not exceed 36 for men and 45 for ladies.

All of our competitions are played using GA handicaps (when available) adjusted to the 'Slope' rating of each course on the day of play.  The individual GA handicap, on a date determined by the Committee prior to the tour, remains in place for the whole tour.

However an official GA handicap is not essential.

An established 'Hacker' may, by means of his own knowledge, propose a new player to our ranks, recommend a daily handicap and verify the ability of the new player. The allocated daily handicap will then be reviewed at the end of each day's play and may be adjusted at the sole discretion of the committee.

Any allocated daily handicap changed on review, will only affect forthcoming daily events and will not affect any prior event or the make-up of pre-determined teams.

On tour, daily competition includes individual and playing group events such as;
·         Best 3 individual scores aggregated
·         Best 3 individual scores multiplied
·         Split 6 :: (BB-A-M) the best individual score on holes 1-6, total of the best two individual scores on holes 7-12 and multiply the best three individual scores on holes 13-18
·         Irish countdown :: Aggregate of best two scores on holes 1-6, best three scores on holes 7-12 and all scores aggregated on holes 13-18

·         Pink Ball Ambrose :: How To Score and the Rules of the game

NOTE - Split 6 and Irish Countdown events are scored according to the hole number and not the order in which the holes are played.

 Skins at 50c per hole is mandatory for every player and no carry-over or confirmation is required.

Teams are selected for each tour based on the total of individual GA handicaps.

NOTE - all competitions (with the exception of the Masters Series Final) will be determined by count-back on the following basis;
                i) - total of last 9 holes played; then
                ii) - total of last 6 holes played; then
                iii) - total of last 3 holes played; then
                iv) - total of last 9 holes of the first 9 holes played; then
                v) - total of last 6 holes of the first 9 holes played; then
                vi) - total of last 3 holes of the first 9 holes played; then
                vii) -hole by hole counting back from the 18th hole played. If still no result it is a tie.
Prizes for the annual competitions (MASTERS SERIES, HACA and SUPA-TEAMS) will be shared equally between players finishing in a tie for prize-winning positions in similar fashion to how prizes are shared in PGA events i.e. if 2 or more players finish in a tie, the dollar values of the players positions are added and then divided by the number of tied players to determine each player's share.


THE McLOUGHLIN IMPERATIVE (otherwise known as the 'Wuss' Rule)
RULE revised 29th October, 2020 and again on 22nd March, 2024, each revision effective immediately.

Any player while on tour, on any day, may invoke the ‘McLoughlin Imperative’ before or during play entirely at the discretion of the player.

A player may withdraw from play for any reason including, but not limited to, sickness, injury, death, inclement weather, lack of resilience, temper tantrums and/or loss of intestinal fortitude. The rule applies also to any player who arrives late and commences play anywhere after the 1st hole of play.

EFFECT – on the day of play only:

  1. Scores for ANY holes completed shall count and be recorded in all INDIVIDUAL and GROUP EVENTS including skins;
  2. If play is commenced the player shall be required to pay the full impost of the day's skins and is eligible to participate and win skins for the holes played;
  3. If play is not commenced at all the retiring player will not participate in any event including skins; and
  4. The player shall remain eligible for the Individual NAGA Award for all daily and tour events.


  1. For calculation of the Group Scores only, all points scored by the player shall be counted and 1 point awarded on odd number holes and 2 points awarded on even number holes for holes not completed; and
  2. If play is not commenced at all, 1 point shall be awarded on odd number holes and 2 points awarded on even number holes.


  1. For Tour Team Events the retiring player’s score on each hole, if any, shall be discarded and replaced by the average score of the remaining team members scores on that day; and 
  2. The Team Total Score shall reflect the final total cumulative adjustment for all retiring players in the team as one adjustment together with the total points scored by each player completing entire rounds i.e. scores in partial rounds are discarded entirely for Team Events.


  1. The 'WUSS RULE' may not apply if play is abandoned at the discretion of the Committee. If play is abandoned, the Committee will decide how play on that day shall be scored; and
  2. The Committee has the discretionary authority to vary any rule, change or vary any competition that is not a rule of golf.


Please be aware that appeal from any decision of the Committee is a seriously complicated and lengthy process and not worth pursuing!